Legend of the
Five Rings is a CCG of samurai drama, set in the Age of Man that follows
the Day of Thunder. The Emperor Toturi I has been found after a mysterious
plot was undone, yet now the great Clans of Rokugan are at each others
throats, threatening all with a descent into a further Clan War.
This tournament will
be a five round Swiss format event with single elimination finals to follow.
Decks will
have a 40 card minimum, and should be built to conform to Jade Extended
Storyline format. No cards (Spells, Personalities or Events) not appearing
in Jade Edition and subsequent expansions can be used. Lesser Experienced
Personalities of those appearing in Jade Ed may be used. Seige of Sleeping
Mountain cards are also permitted, as are Honor Bound foil reprints.
Honor Bound expansion
(if available) will not be legal.
A list of the cards that
are permitted will be made available at Australian Game Wizards and the
AGA Premises. Hopefully within the next two to three days a copy of that
list will appear on this Web Site.
Contact ODie (Damian O'Dea)
on (08) 8272 6443 [ah] for further information.