A FAQ (or Frequently Asked Questions document) is a Web Page designed to answer commonly asked questions in relation to a subject. It is set out in a form where it proposes questions and answers them in a simple, easy-to-follow way so the reader can skip those questions which they're not interested in and easily scan those they want to know the answers to.
FAQ details some of the basic elements about the Adelaide
Gamers' Association ranging from its location to how the AGA
can be contacted. If you have any questions about this page or the AGA
Web Site feel free to e-mail the AGA at,
contact the Web Site Co-ordinator, Mark Philp, at
or ICQ Mark, his ICQ number being 457862.
The Adelaide Gamers' Association (AGA) is a non-profit organization devoted to promoting and facilitating gaming in all its various forms. It is an Association - like a local sporting club or interest group - which aims to bring people who enjoy gaming together in one location where they may enjoy such activities.
The AGA has premises and equipment
which can be used by members for gaming purposes. A number of facilities
ranging from sand tables, role-playing areas, computers, board games, a
lounge area, a canteen, and a licensed bar are available for use.
The Adelaide Gamers' Association was created when two former gaming clubs - the Guild Arcane Inc. and SASA (South Australian Simulation Association Inc.) - merged in July 1998. The AGA is currently located at the same premises SASA used to occupy before the merger.
The Guild
Arcane was an organization devoted primarily to Role-Playing and Card
gaming formed in 1993. SASA was an organization which focussed on
War Gaming and Board Games formed in 1991. When both organizations merged
these separate aspects were combined into the AGA to provide the
services we currently have to offer members.
The AGA premises are located in the Central Business District of the city of Adelaide, Australia at 134 Waymouth Street, just off of Light Square. The premises occupy the top floor of the building (level two), so all you have to do is climb the stairwell to the top and you're there!
Feel free to
come in and take a look around at anytime - there's usually somebody around
who'll be able to help you and show you around.
As the Adelaide Gamers' Association
is run by a group of volunteers there are no set opening or closing hours.
The club rooms are open when a volunteer is on premises. There's usually
someone about the place every day of the week, ensuring the AGA
is open for members to use.
In general you'll
find the premises open between 12pm - 10.30pm daily. Arrangements can be
made for the club rooms to be used by members who don't have key access
by contacting the Campaign Co-ordinator, Mark Philp, via e-mail at
or by ICQ, Mark's ICQ number being 457862.
By gaming we're not referring to gambling, or popular board or computer games. Gaming is the term used by the AGA to describe a variety of activities which focus on strategy, tactics, fun and entertainment. These activities range from recreating ancient battles using miniatures to a form of storytelling and acting called Role-Playing.
For a more detailed explanation
on what gaming is take a look at our Gaming
Frequently Asked Questions Page.
Board Games, Card Games, Computer Strategy Games, Role-Playing Games, and
War Games (also called Miniature, Simulation, or Table Top Games) are the
main types of games which occur through the AGA.
Take a look at one of those areas of gaming that interests you in our Campaigns
Page to see what's on offer through the club, information and reviews
on past events, and upcoming games which are open to members.
For further
information on gaming or any games being conducted through the AGA
feel free to contact the Association by e-mail, browse through our Gaming
Links Page, or take a look at the wide variety of gaming related
sites out there on the World Wide Web.
For details on joining the Adelaide Gamers' Association please feel free to take a look at our Membership Page.
Membership forms
are available from the AGA Premises,
or at GameQuest or
stores (two local Adelaide gaming stores who sponsor the AGA).
All you have to do is obtain and complete a membership form, pay your subscription
and the form will be processed by the AGA
Being a member of the Adelaide Gamers' Association entitles you to the following benefits:
The Adelaide Gamers' Association is ran by a Committee of Management who volunteer their time and services to the club at no cost, being elected by the general membership to look after the day to day running of the club.
Important members of the Committee include the Association's President (who chairs all meetings), the Secretary (who deals with all club related correspondence), and the Treasurer (who looks after the club's accounts and expenditures).
As well as the
Committee there are other volunteer members who help run the AGA.
A variety of Officials (also known as Keyholders) attend to certain
tasks ranging from maintaining this Web Site, being able to open and close
the AGA Premises, and managing the
For the latest news and information relating to the Adelaide Gamers' Association take a look at the club newsletter, THE RUNE. It has the latest up-to-date information relating to Committee meetings, Campaigns, events, and news from the world of gaming within its pages.
A bi-monthly publication, the newsletter can be accessed on-line in html format. Click here to read the latest copy of THE RUNE.
THE RUNE can be sent to the Association's official e-mail address
is currently beginning to compile an E-Mail Mailing List so that members
can be informed electronically of Upcoming
Events, important information relating to the club and electronic
copies of the AGA newsletter, THE
RUNE. If you would like to be added to this list or would like more
information about it click
The Adelaide
Gamers' Association would like to thank all of its sponsors
for the support and sponsorship they offer. To find out more about the
organizations who offer discounts and benefits to AGA
members as well as to help support the club take a look at our Sponsors
Charter (or Constitution) and
Orders (Club Rules) of the Adelaide Gamers'
Association are available for anyone to read, having been posted
on this Site to demonstrate the integrity of the Association and the guidelines
it acts within.
As the AGA is a registered Association with the Australian Securities Commission, it is compulsory for us to possess a Charter which the Association acts under. A Charter is just another word which means Constitution - a document which essentially sets out how the AGA should be run. It deals with such issues as discipline, meetings, membership, powers the AGA Committee and its Officials possess, and voting.
The Standing
Orders of the Association contain the rules of the club. Most of these
rules which concern members are based on common sense, relating to behaviour
on premises and defining what is unacceptable behaviour. The remaining
rules found in the Standing Orders cover the duties Officials perform and
the procedures which they follow.
The mailing address of the AGA for those who wish to post information to the Committee is:
Box 10184
Street, Adelaide
Australia, Australia
For local enquiries of any kind about the AGA there is an Adelaide-based contact number: (08) 8410 4455.
If you have
any questions about this Web Site, or any information contained upon this
Site, please send a message to the Web Site Co-ordinator, Mark Philp, at
Mark can also be reached via ICQ, his ICQ number being 457862.
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