The Standing Orders of the Adelaide Gamers' Assoc.


Object and Purpose

 1.  Membership
 2.  Discipline
 3.  Committee
 4.  Committee Proceedings
 5.  Conduct
 6.  Visitors
 7.  Communication
 8.  Lockers
 9.  Club Cleanliness
10.  Key Holders
11.  Bar Duty
12.  Meetings

13.  Proceedure at Meetings
14.  Points of Order
15.  Motions
16.  Debate
17.  Ammendments
18.  Alterations & Widthdrawals
19.  Adjournments of Debate
20.  Voting
21.  Returning Officer
22.  Accounts
23.  Association Integrity

Appendix A:  Key Kolder Duties
Appendix B:  Bar Staff Duties


Object and Purpose:

The Standing Orders of the Association are designed for the efficient and harmonious running of the Association.  Members are asked to embrace this underlying philosophy.  Please use common sense when applying them.

The Association acknowledges its obligations under the applicable Federal and State Legislation (Liquor Licensing, Equal Opportunity, Sexual Harassment, Racial Vilification Acts etc.).

1.  Membership

1.1. To avail themselves of the benefits of the Association a Member must remain a current financial member.

1.2. The Association has three forms of Membership:

All Members have full voting rights.

1.3. The current Membership rates are listed on the AGA Membership Page.

1.4. Membership application and renewals shall be submitted on the approved form to an Association Official.

1.5. The Committee may grant Special Membership upon such terms and conditions it deems appropriate.

2.  Discipline

2.1. As per the Constitution.

3.  Committee

3.1. The Secretary shall be the Public Officer of the Association.

3.2. The Secretary shall be the Association nominee to the elections of the Adelaide City Council.

4.  Committee Proceedings

4.1. Committee meetings shall be held monthly at the Association's Premises, provided that such meetings may be held at such other times and places as the  Committee shall determine.  Notice of such meetings will be placed on the Committee notice board.

4.2. Unless the Committee determines otherwise, the Committee shall have no specific rules of debate of its own; it shall operate within the general context  of the Standing Orders but in an informal manner.  Discussion will be  permitted without a motion before the Chairperson and Members may speak  more than once in debate.

4.3. Committee meetings are open to all Association Members to attend, except when matters deemed confidential are discussed, i.e. discipline, Membership applications etc.

4.4. Other than the consideration of Membership applications, the question of the subsequent release of minutes relating to confidential matters shall be a standing agenda item.

5.  Conduct

5.1. Neat, clean casual attire shall be the minimum requirement for entry to the Association Premises.

5.2. Members whilst on Association Premises will refrain from using language or engaging in behaviour that is:

5.3. Members will exercise reasonable care when using Association and other Members property.

5.4. Members will report any breakages to an Association Official.

5.5. The Association Premises is a no smoking area.

6.  Visitors

The Association welcomes Visitors to the Premises and encourages its Members to invite friends and associates to the Premises.

6.1. Visitor are entitled to attend the Association Premises on 3 occasions at no  charge.

6.2. If a Member invites a Visitor they are responsible for the behaviour of that person.

6.3. Visitors will abide by the Standing Orders where appropriate.

6.4. Members will endorse the Visitors Book with the required information upon each attendance of an invited Visitor.

6.5. Members are requested to assist where appropriate any visitors to Association Premises.

7.  Communication

7.1. To enhance communication between the Membership a Message Book will be available so Members can leave messages for each other, or Association Officials.

7.2. A Committee Message Book will be provided so Association business can be communicated between Officials.

7.3. A Key Holder Log will be maintained to enhance accountability

7.4. The minutes of Committee meetings, Annual and Special General Meetings will be posted on the notice board within 7 working days of the applicable meeting.

7.5. Members may place, signed and dated messages, on the provided notice boards.  The Association reserves the right to remove any notices that breach the Standing Orders.

8.  Lockers

8.1. Lockers are available to Members at an annual fee of $30.  A spare key will be kept by the Association.

8.2. Should a Member lose the key to a locker they will billed for a replacement.

9.  Club Cleanliness

9.1. The Association is reliant on volunteers to carry out its function.  Members are required. to clean up after themselves.

9.2. Having completed Gaming, Members are required to return scenery to the provided containers.

9.3. Sand tables to be left clear and ready for use by others, other tables to be left clear and clean.

9.4. Members using Association property are required to ensure it is put away in the correct manner.

10.  Key Holders

10.1. A key Holder is an Official of the Association with all the rights and responsibilities this entails (See Appendix A).

10.2. A key Holder will endorse the Key Register accepting the duties and  responsibilities that goes with this position (See Appendix A).

11.  Bar Duty

11.1. Adult Members are needed to staff the bar, a roster will be maintained to ensure the provision of service to the Membership.

11.2. Duties of the Bar person are contained in Appendix B.

12.  Meetings

12.1. Refer to the Constitution for details on Annual and Special General Meetings.

13  Proceedure At Meetings

13.1. The operation of this part or any elements thereof shall be suspended for a specified time upon the carrying of a motion by a two-third majority.

13.2. In the event of any matter being brought forward before any meeting which effects the Chairperson of the meeting, or in which the Chairperson may be interested, they may vacate the Chair and the meeting may elect a Chairperson pro term until such matter is dealt with.

13.3. If the meeting desires to remove the Chairperson, it shall carry a motion that another named Member take the Chair.

13.4. If the Chairperson leaves the Chair before business is completed, the meeting may, unless it was properly adjourned, elect a new Chairperson and continue.

13.5. Any Member desiring to speak shall indicate with a raised hand and address the Chairperson provided that this requirement may be waived by the Chairperson.

13.6. If two or more Members indicate they wish to speak at the one time, the Chairperson shall decide which is entitled to priority.

13.7. No Member shall use offensive or unbecoming words.  In the case of any remark considered by the Chairperson to be offensive or imputing improper motives, the Chairperson may call upon the speaker to withdraw and apologise.  All personal reflections on Members shall be deemed disorderly.

13.8. The Chairperson may call a member to order.  If such a member persists in being disorderly, the Chairperson may order such Member to withdraw from the meeting.

13.9. Whenever the Chairperson indicates an intention to speak, the Member then speaking shall be silent.

14.  Points of Order

14.1. No Member shall interrupt another while speaking except to raise a point of order.

14.2. During the debate a Member may raise a point of order whereupon the Member then speaking shall cease until the point of order has been determined.

14.3. It shall be competent for any Member to move a motion of dissent from the Chairperson's ruling.  The mover of the motion of dissent shall concisely state their point.  The Seconder and the Chairperson only may speak to the motion.

15.  Motions

15.1. The Chairperson has the right to refuse acceptance of any motion that is not in order.  A motion is not in order if it is vague or ambiguous or if it does not comply with the Rules or Orders.

15.2. Any Member proposing a motion or an amendment shall state its nature before addressing the meeting thereon.

15.3. Where possible, a motion should be in the affirmative.  Such a motion takes precedence over one in the negative.

15.4. Motions shall be seconded.

16.  Debate

16.1. No Member may speak more than once to a motion except with the Chairperson's permission, in explanation, or to ask a question, provided that  they may speak again on any amendment to the motion.  The right of reply shall be exercisable at the end of the debate.  If one or more amendments are brought forward the mover of the original motion may elect to reply at the end of the debate on the first amendment.  The mover of an amendment has no right of reply and there is no right of reply to an amended motion.  A Member who formally seconds a motion or amendment without speaking may speak in support at a subsequent stage of debate.

16.2. No speaker shall digress from the subject under discussion.

16.3. At any time during the debate a Member may move that the question be now put, provided the Chairperson is satisfied that reasonable time for debate of  the original motion has been allowed.  The motion shall be put without debate,  it need not be seconded.  This motion may be applied to an amendment, in  which case it is the amendment which is immediately put to the vote.  It shall not be competent for the mover, seconder, or any person who has spoken to the original motion or amendment to move that the question be now put.  If carried, the original motion shall be put to the vote without further debate except that the mover thereof shall have the right of reply; if lost the debate  may proceed.

17.  Amendments

17.1. Any Member may move an amendment to a motion, provided it is not a direct negative of the motion proposed to be amended.

17.2. An amendment having been moved, it shall not be competent to move any further amendment, provided that notice may be given of intention to move a further amendment, when the previous amendment has been determined.  Only  one amendment can be considered at the same time.

17.3. A particular Member may move or second one amendment only to each motion, but may speak on amendment moved by other.  The mover or seconder of a motion may not move or second an amendment to it, but may speak on any such amendment and vote in favour of it.

17.4. Amendments shall be put to the meeting before the motion is put, and shall be committed to the meeting in order in which they are received.

17.5. When an amendment is carried the motion as amended becomes the motion before the meeting.

18.  Alterations and Widthdrawals

18.1. The mover of an original motion must get the consent of their seconder and the approval of the meeting before making any alteration to the wording of their motion.

19.  Adjournments of Debate

19.1. A Member may move that the debate be adjourned to a subsequent meeting.

20.  Voting

20.1. Each Member of the Association is entitled to vote

20.2. The voting system adopted for elections shall be the 'First Past the Post' system.

20.3. The names of all nominees for positions shall be provided to the meeting.  The meeting shall be asked if the nominees are acceptable to stand.  In the event of objections to nominees, the matter will be put to the vote

20.4. The ballot for electing candidates shall be secret.

20.5. Ballot papers bearing the Association seal will be issued to Members.

20.6. In the event of a tied vote between candidates, a second ballot shall be held between the tied candidates only.

21.  Returning Officer

21.1. The Committee or upon their silence, the meeting Chairperson, may appoint any Member not standing for election, as a Returning Officer, or Assistant Returning Officer to conduct any election of candidates.

22.  Accounts

22.1. The signatories to the Association's accounts shall be chosen from amongst the Committee, but may also include the Bar Manager.

22.2. Payments made by cheque shall be signed by 2 authorised signatories.

23.  Association Integrity

23.1. No Member shall by word or action, commit the Association to any action or venture of either a private or commercial nature, nor permit or allow the use of the Association's name either in full or abbreviated form, for any purpose, without the written consent and approval of the Committee.  The Committee reserves the right to take any action with regard to this order.

Appendix A:  Key Holder Duties

1. Key Holders are Officials of the Association and are responsible for ensuring compliance with the Standing Orders whilst they are on the Premises.  A Key Holder performs a supervisory role in the absence of a Committee Member.

2. Endorse the Key Holders Register indicating, name, date and time of entry to Premises.  Prior to leaving the Premises the Key Holder will endorse the Key Holder Register with the time and any comments as to state of Premises.

3. Ensure the cash register is set up.

4. Staff the bar in the absence of a rostered Bar Person.

5. Key Holders will request the assistance of other Members to ensure the Premises are kept in a clean condition.  In the absence of other Members the Key Holder is responsible for leaving the Premises in a clean condition.  This includes the bar area, dishes and glasses etc.  Ensure rubbish bins are put out on Tuesday nights.

6. The last Key Holder on the Premises prior to leaving will, check the till and remove money in excess of the float.  Enter the till takings in the appropriate record, count and make note of the telephone money, adding this to the till takings.  Place the takings in the nominated locker.  Secure the till tray and float in the storage room, lock the storage room on completion.

7. Ensure all electrical appliances other than the cool room and freezer are turned off (pie warmer, electric urn and kettle, toaster, air conditioning etc.).

8. Make sure cool room doors are firmly closed.

9. Close the Premises.  Members are not permitted to remain on Premises in the absence of a Key Holder.

10. Ensure northern fire escape door is secure.

11. Ensure lights are turned off.

12. Ensure the Premises as a whole is secured.

13. Will not cause or allow any duplicates of the keys to be cut without the express consent of the committee.

14. Possession of keys to the Premises is a privilege, it is encumberant upon a Key Holders to abide by the above obligations.  At the direction of the Committee a Key Holder will surrender their keys to a nominated person.

Appendix B:  Bar Staff Duties

1. At all times the bar is a restricted access area, only on Duty Bar Staff, and Officials are allowed behind the bar.

2. Minors are not to be served liquor, if any doubt exists ask for evidence of age.  The only evidence of age we will accept is that of the photographic variety.

3. Remember any breaches of the liquor licence conditions has the potential to result in fines to the Association and every Official as well as loss of the liquor  licence

4. Do not serve liquor to intoxicated persons.  Likewise do not serve liquor  outside of authorised hours.

5. Bar tabs, credit etc are not permitted.

6. Your duties include the sale of foodstuffs and drinks.

7. Under licensing regulations all drinks are to be served in a fresh, clean glass.

8. If any stock is running low, note this on the Bar Log.  Also use the Log to bring appropriate information to the attention of the Bar Manager and Committee.

9. Advise a Committee Member when there is over $80 worth of notes in the till.

10. If there are any problems, talk to a Committee Member straight away.

11. Ensure all washing up is done by the end of your shift, this also includes wiping down the bar and sink areas.

12. Prior to finishing your shift, please check around the Premises for glasses and rubbish.

13. Towels for washing are placed in the bucket under the small sink.

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Adelaide Gamers' Assoc. 1999.