This Page was last updated on Wednesday June 2nd, 1999
Wondering what Events are coming up on the AGA Calendar? Take a look below to see what's occurring through the AGA of late.
AGA Committee Meeting
Sunday June 13th, 1999
AGA Premises (Level 2, 134 Waymouth St, Adelaide)
This is the date of the AGA's Committee's monthly meeting for the month of June. Items on the Agenda include reviewing the Minutes from the previous meeting, reviewing Membership Applications for the month of May, the Treasurer's Report (for May), the Bar Manager's Report (for May), the AGM, the AGA's PANDEMONIUM Convention, reviews of the Events ran by the AGA in May (the AGA Quiz Night and various Card Gaming Tournaments), and the AGA Web Site.
Members are more than welcome to attend Committee meetings. If you
have an issue or item that you'd like to raise and be placed on the monthly
meeting Agenda please e-mail your submission to,
or leave a note in the Secretary's pigeon hole at the AGA
Sunday July 4th, 1999
AGA Premises (Level 2, 134 Waymouth St, Adelaide)
The PANDEMONIUM Committee is comprised of Alan Michell, Jeff Williams and Mark Philp. These three individuals are responsible for the organization of the AGA's annual Convention in 1999.
Alan Michell is responsible for Card Gaming and the general administration of the Convention; Jeff Williams is in charge of War Gaming; and Mark Philp is co-ordinating the Role-Playing aspects of the Convention.
The Committee meets every month to organize various aspects of the Convention.
For more information
about PANDEMONIUM and information on how to contact the Convention
Committee check out the PANDEMONIUM
AGA Gaming Week
Last holidays I was approached by a number of Gamers asking what the AGA had to offer to Gamers Event-wise during the two-week break they were not studying or teaching. I had to inform those who inquired there wasn't much going on. In fact, it was a pretty quiet time at the AGA in April... Well, since then I have decided that I should try and live up to my role as AGA Gaming Co-ordinator and attempt to organize a series of Games to occur in the July holidays for the benefit of Members and non-Members alike. Thus the AGA Gaming Week was born.
The idea is a simple one: A variety of Game Masters, Umpires and Moderators volunteer their time and services to run one Game during the first week of the July school holidays. The Games on offer would be listed at the AGA, on this Web Site and displayed by our sponsors for Members and non-Members to browse. In this fashion Gamers get to participate in a Game, enjoy perhaps a new Game they've never played before, perhaps encounter the Gaming style of a new GM/Umpire/Moderator, meet some new Gamers and hopefully have lots of fun!
Games I am hoping to see run during gaming Week include a DBM War Gaming demonstration, a small Bloodbowl Tournament, a Star Wars CCG Tournament, and a Deadlands RPG demonstration Game.
At this stage
I am asking for volunteers who'd like to run a Game for the Gaming Week.
The Game doesn't need to be epic length or as detailed as a Gaming module
- all it has to be is a one ot two session Game which anyone could get
involved in. If you'd like to submit your name and a Game then e-mail
me, Mark Philp, at
or ICQ me, my ICQ number being 457862.
Adelaide Gamers' Association
Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Sunday 25th July, 1999
AGA Premises (Level 2, 134 Waymouth
St, Adelaide)
The Second AGM of the Adelaide Gamers' Association will be conducted on Sunday July 25th at 2pm. Items on the Agenda for review include the Chairperson's/President's Annual Report, the Treasurer's Annual Report, the Secretary's Annual Report, re-election of five Committee positions to form a Committee of seven members, and information on the upcoming AGA PANDEMONIUM Convention.
All AGA Members should attend the meeting if at all possible as it is one of the major forums Members have to discuss the issues which have affected the AGA over the past year, and a quorum of 2/3rds of our membership must be present for the AGM to occur.
If you are an AGA Member and would like to nominate someone or be nominated for election to the AGA Committee you should seek out a Nomination Form available at the AGA Premises. If you stand for nomination you will require two people to nominate you (a First and a Second), complete the Nomination Form and then leave it within the Secretary's pigeon hole. The Secretary will then confirm the nomination and a vote to determine who becomes a Committee Member out of those standing for election is conducted at the AGM.
If you would
like to add an item to the AGM Agenda please e-mail your submission to,
or leave a message in the Secretary's pigeon hole at the AGA
Select one of the categories
below to browse the AGA Web Site.
Adelaide Gamers' Assoc. 1999.