To Sleep Without Dreams
By Alex White.
The knight,
clothed in black, reigned in his charger and removed his helm. His sweat
soaked hair shone in the light of the late afternoon. So weary, so weary,
the knight urged his horse on a few paces to a large tree. He squinted
along the road, using his hand to shield his eyes from the rays of the
sun. In the warm light the scars covering his left cheek were obvious,
almost highlighted. Someone was coming towards him down the graceful forest
road. Some half a mile away the figure was on horseback and riding slowly,
almost aimlessly.
The Black Knight
raised and eyebrow and reached down to his saddlebag for his leather canteen.
After drinking deeply, the knight dismounted, stealing a glance at the
on coming rider.
Bright though
it was, the large tree that the knight was under filtered the light so
as to lessen the severity of the sun. With a careful action, the knight
unbuckled his sword belt and placed it gently on the ground. Looking again
at the rider the knight started to unsaddle his warhorse, rubbing it down
with the saddle blanket. By this time the rider was clearly visible. It
was a man, dressed in a red travelling cloak and hood. The horse walked
with exhausted steps and both rider and horse looked very tired.
Attaching his
horse's nosebag, the Black Knight stepped on to the path and waited. The
rider looked up, but with the sun disappearing beneath the horizon none
of his features were clear. However, the hand that gripped the broadsword
was, and the Black Knight frowned.
The forest
around the knight was quiet, except for the occasional birdsong and movement
of leaves in the cool autumn breeze. As the rider came closer, the knight
raised his hand in a gesture of greeting.
"Well met traveller.
What brings you to this place?"
"Well met yourself,
Knight. I am Alon of Herthyn. Who might you be?" The traveller's hand was
still wrapped around the hilt of his sword, but his voice was civil and
The knight
bowed slightly, "I am Sir Tâche." He gestured to his saddlebags that
lay, with his saddle on the ground, by the large tree's roots. "Care, join
me a while, for it is getting late. It has been many days since I have
had company."
There was a
nod from Alon, who dismounted and led his weary horse next to the tree.
As the sun set low over the treetops, Tâche removed a small lamp
from his pack. Pressing a small lever on the side, the lamp made a grinding
noise and sprouted a bright flame. Alon sat opposite the knight, who placed
the lamp between them and then leaned against the tree.
"I hear there
is a war going on in Radigund. Were you there?", Tâche asked the
A flash of
pain, or grief crossed the traveller's face, but was quickly replaced by
a hooded and guarded expression.
"Yes, I was
there. It is mainly in Cador. The Antorians have crushed everything in
their path. They wiped out the army of King Argan and put to death every
man on the field. Nothing stopped them, not even Artegall, the Imperial
Warlord." The traveller continued to tell the knight of how the invaders
from across the Emerald Ocean had captured three of the seven major cities
of Cador, the realm from which Alon had come.
"When they
rode into Cath Palu, the most southern of the Great Temple Cities, not
one hand was raised to stop them. Yet still they had every fifth person
killed and sacrificed to their god. Biausados is this god's name.
"I am the messenger
of Kehydius, Patriarch of Cath Palu. I am to seek help from the lord of
"Hmm, it would
seem that the Antorians are a mighty foe indeed."
"Tell me Sir
Tâche, what brings you to travel to Cador at a time like this? Surely
you must see that it is suicide?"
shook his head slowly. Then after a moment's pause, he said, "I am on a
pilgrimage." The traveller accepted this, although he still eyed the knight
He had, Tâche
thought, the look of a highly trained man, but with little experience.
Tâche guessed that Alon was not more than twenty years old, if that.
His beard was thin and was made to look even thinner because of his red
hair. Green eyes looked over the flame of the lamp at the knight, who scratched
his own beard thoughtfully. Alon's eyes kept glancing at the knight's deep
scaring on his left cheek.
It was many years since they were inflicted, yet Tâche remembered the moment vividly. He had stopped in the Border town of Nabur to deliver a message to an influential merchant. A pestilent little town, it was made prosperous only by the trade brought in by the nomadic tribesmen who inhabited the Southern Plains. He had still been a follower of the One God, when he had been wounded. Walking back from the Merchant House, he was set upon by a group of thugs who worked for the ruler of the town. Barely able to react, Tâche had been managed defend himself as he withdrew back to the Hostel he'd been staying at. As he had neared the door when the leader of the thugs stepped forward and swung a large spiked ball at Tâche's head. Avoiding most of the damage of the swing, he was unable to avoid the spikes which carved long, wicked scratches into his face.
"I have heard
many tales of those who rest in these forests."
The traveller's
sudden outburst broke through Tâche's thoughts.
"Many people
have gone missing, or return with strange tales. If I were you sir, I would
not stay here but travel through the night. Whatever you do, do not sleep
under the trees." Alon made the sign to ward off evil, quickly and swiftly
with his gloved hand.
With a grunt,
the traveller got to his feet and looked down at Tâche, "I must leave
you now, Sir Tâche. I have many leagues to travel before I may rest."
Slowly, the
Black Knight stood while Alon started to prepare his horse. His voice spoke
in the lowest of tones, "I fear my friend, that you have come to your last
resting place."
"I cannot allow
your message to reach the lord of Momur, therefore you must die here."
As the knight
spoke the toneless words, it seemed as if by magic, his sword left its
sheath and appeared in his hands. The long metallic blade shone blue in
the light of the lamp, and with a hurried motion Alon withdrew his weapon
from its scabbard.
With naked
swords flashing in the last dying remnants of the sunset and the harsh
light of the knight's lamp, Tâche leapt forward. His sword swept
up and around with inhuman speed, Alon's blade knocking it off course at
the last moment. The Black Knight's sword cut shallowly into the side of
Alon's stomach, letting loose a stream of blood, that when absorbed the
fabric of his tunic, appeared to be a rose budding and blooming.
smiled as the traveller cried out with pain, his eyes fixed on the other's
chest. Most swordsmen, Tâche knew, fought with signals, the movement
of their chest muscles giving their move away. Alon was no exception and
the knight easily parried the counter attack, replying with one of his
"Why! Why are
you trying to kill me?" Alon cried out in desperation as the Black Knight's
blade sliced past his arm.
There was no
answer from the knight as he forced the attack, pushing Alon back against
the tree. With a quick riposte, Tâche's blade inscribed a figure
eight against the traveller's weakening attempts to defend himself. There
was a shower of sparks as metal met metal, and a loud clang as Alon's sword
snapped in two. There was not even enough time too react as the knight's
blade slashed across in two brief blurs.
A bloody 'X'
formed on Alon's chest as he sank to his knees; the hot blood pouring like
a fountain on to the leaf littered floor of the forest. The blood became
pink, then black and with a gurgled gasp, Alon fell to the earth.
looked down at the traveller, his eyes blank. Good, yet inexperienced.
Alon had been taught well. Tâche moved to his warhorse, which was
skittish at the smell of blood. Hurriedly saddling the beast the knight
gathered up the reins of Alon's riding horse and urged them both on to
the path.
As he rode
away, Tâche whispered under his breath, "Because I must. I have no
choice." At this distance it seemed to Tâche, the traveller was only
sleeping, his face calm and serene. Only the blood staining the earth and
flecking his lips marred the other wise peaceful image.
As the Black
Knight faded into the darkness that was the forest, Alon's body started
to burn.
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