- 3pm |
Convention Set-Up | Card Games
- Magic: The Gathering * (S) War Games
Other Events
Card Games
- Young Jedi (Demo) War Games
Other Events
- 3.30pm |
- 6.30pm |
Other Events
- Bloodbowl (Round 1) Registration |
Card Games
- Babylon 5 (U) - Magic: The Gathering * (S) War Games
Other Events
Card Games
- Legend of the 5 Rings (S) War Games
Other Events
- 7.30pm |
- Information Session (All RPG's) |
- 10.30pm |
Other Events
- Bloodbowl (Round 2) - PANDEMONIUM in the RAW + - Risk (Round 1) Registration |
War Games
- Capture the Flag |
- Painting Competition |
Collectable Card Games
= Sanctioned Card Tournament (Counts towards points
/ rankings).
= Unsanctioned Card Tournament (Social Game with Prizes).
= Demonstration Game (Intro. to a new Card Game -
no knowledge required).
* = Magic: The Gathering
Tournament is scheduled to begin at 10am on Saturday.
Role-Playing Games
Tournament (Game Masters: Kylie Doherty,
Brett Gibbons, Doug Phillips).
Me In
(Game Master: Andrew J).
(Storytellers: Alan Michell, Mark Philp).
Unlike other
Games at PANDEMONIUM, Role-Playing Games are not pre-scheduled. You nominate
which sessions you'd like to play. There are seven timeslots available
for you to choose from as outlined below:
Friday 17th September 3.30pm - 6.30pm |
Friday 17th September 7.30pm - 10.30pm |
Saturday18th September 12pm - 3pm |
Saturday18th September 3.30pm - 6.30pm |
Saturday18th September 7.30pm - 10.30pm |
Sunday19th September 12pm - 3pm |
Sunday19th September 3.30pm - 6.30pm |
Each Role-Playing Game takes one x 3 hour Game Session to complete. Games are scheduled by arrangement between players and Convention Organisers / Game Masters prior to the beginning of the Convention. See the Registration Page for further details.
On Friday 17th
at 6.30pm there will be a Role-Playing Information Session for all players
who wish to participate in a PANDEMONIUM Role-Playing Event. This session
is designed for Game masters to meet their prospective players before play
begins, and for the Authors of the modules to impart any background information
relating to their Game to players. Pre-generated characters and character
packages will be available for Role-Players to pick up at the Session.
It is not essential to attend, but most players are likely to find the
experience beneficial.
War Games
[Day X]
= Designates a Game runs over multiple days (i.e.: Day 1, Day
2, etc...). You do not
need to participate in the Game for more than one Day but may do so if
you wish.
Most War Games begin at 12pm and continue onwards until completion, having been scheduled for two x 3 hour Game Sessions (unless they span multiple days), to accommodate the random length of such Games. Please note that War Games may end earlier than scheduled.
The exception
to this rule is the 'Capture the Flag' Game scheduled for Saturday evening.
Other Events
(Round X)
= At least one Qualifying Round must be played and won to progress
to the Event
= Scheduled Final.
the RAW is sheduled to begin at 10.30pm Friday 17th
September and run until the late hours of the morning.
If you have
qualified for a Final you must turn up to the Final else
forfeit your position (in regards to the World RISK Championship), or forfeit
your match to your opponent (in regards to the Bloodbowl Tournament).